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Our Mission

Ethiopia is a country where the services of private and public social welfare programs are very limited. The national policy to OVC is challenged by shortage of resources and capacity. The decline of mutual assistance mechanisms and lack of coordination and partnership among implementing agencies is also a problem in the provision of proper care and support for OVC in the country. Under such social welfare scenario the negative consequences of the blight have left millions of disadvantaged children without any alternatives of social welfare. The prevalence of OVC is alarmingly increasing. When the present is a question of survival the future becomes uncertain. In such circumstances children’s survival is threatening. So they focus on their immediate survival, which makes it difficult to find time and energy to think of the future. Hence, sensing the problem, our organization has a mission of creating hope for the hopeless by serving, respecting and protecting the rights and healthy growth and development of orphan & vulnerable children and economically disadvantaged women.

Our Vision

According to Pringle (1980), all children have physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs which must be met if they are to enjoy life, develop their full potential into participating and contributing adults. It must also be noted that without affection, protection and understanding, children are less likely to grow up into well-functioning adults. Therefore, ECE’s vision is to create a non - for - profit making organization that works in the reduction of mortality rate of orphan and vulnerable children, by improving their physical, psychosocial and scio-emotional development and protecting their lives from negative outcomes (e.g. school drop-outs, poor labor market entry, and negative conduct such as substance abuse, crime and violence, risky sexual behaviors, etc) resulting from misaligned investment strategies in child development and stop the likely nature of these behaviors to be transferred to the next generation by creating a vicious circle of social exclusion and negative behaviors.

Our Philosophy

ECE understands that a child needs much more than a place to rest their head or meal to fill their stomach. Evidence indicates that institution-based childcare can have detrimental effects on child’s mental health and socio-emotional development, with potential long-term consequences. One of the greatest factors shown to influence a child’s ability to recover from difficult circumstances is the quality of the child’s attachments to their caregivers, biological or not. Thus, ECE is devoted to training and educating caregivers to better meet the emotional needs of the children under their care in order to provide an environment marked by warm, stable, and consistent care by a thoughtful, insightful and professionally trained staff of long-term caregivers. Our philosophy is to create Insightful caregivers with the capacity to consider the motives underlying children’s behavior and their emotional experiences in a complete, positive and child focused approach.

let's work together for a bright future!!


“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.”