Institutional settings
Children in institutional settings have problems in the areas of attachment, mind development, peer relationships, attention and emotion processing (cited in Berument, 2013).
Child-caregiver attachment
Building child-caregiver attachments in orphanages have so far received very little attention as stated by Maccoby and Lewis in 2003 (cited in Biringen et al., 2012).
Early Childhood Intervention
Biringen et al. (2012) found that caregivers after intervention begin to find their jobs more rewarding as a result of their emotional involvement.
ECI Projects
Community based enrichment programs for children and training projects for child-caregivers by collaborating with stakeholders is essential to make a social change.
Impact for good
New child development ambassadors in under-resourced areas of the world: Beyond disciplinary and international boundaries.
Child development
In his basic premise of attachment theory, Bowlby in 1969/1982 stated that children have a biological predisposition to seek out their caregivers for protection from danger and it is a deep e
The quality of attachment is based on the quality of care children receive from their attachment figures. Ainsworth in 1978 also emphasized that children whose caregivers consistently are res
Child Development
The attachment figure provides comfort by serving as a secure base and safe haven for the child.
Attachment figure
Children whose caregivers are neglectful, rejecting, or inconsistently responsive to their vulnerability tend to develop insecure attachment relationships.
Child Development
Children who fear their caregivers are faced with fright without a solution develop disorganized attachment relationships (Busch &Lieberman, 2007).
Attachment figure
Bowlby, argued that beginning in infancy and continuing throughout the life course, an individual’s mental health is tied to relationships with attachment figures who afford support and prote
Socio-emotional development of children
Researchers in the last quarter of the 20th century showed that children after birth have capabilities for socioemotional engagement if provided responsive attachment (LeVine, 2007).
Emotional Attachment
Bretherton and Munholland (2010) referring to Bowlby’s findings stated that human beings of all ages are found to be happy and use their talents when they feel confident that they have one or
A child who has never been with one person to learn to love is likely to develop anxious, aggressive, selfish, greedy, and demanding behaviors.
Socio-emotional development of children
Bakermans-Kranenburg (2011) stated caregivers’ emotional availability, sensitivity, acceptance, and sense of belonging are related to socioemotional development.
Importance of Insightfullness
Oppenheim, Koren – Karie, Dolev, and Yirmiya (2009) indicated the importance of insightfulness as a new dimension to help caregivers’ utilize their capacity to see the motives underlying thei
Child Development
The quality of attachment is based on the quality of care children receive from their attachment figures.
"The quality of the time you spend with your kids matters more than the quantity — and it's the single biggest catalyst for your child's development and future success." ~ Klein, a child psyc
Child caregivers
Bowlby in 1969/1982 stated that children have a biological predisposition to seek out their caregivers for protection from danger and it is a deep emotional connection to an attachment figure
Emotional Attachment
Ainsworth in 1978 also emphasized that children whose caregivers consistently are responsive to their distress tend to develop secure attachment relationships.
Child development
Bowlby, argued that beginning in infancy and continuing throughout the life course, an individual’s mental health is tied to relationships with attachment figures who afford support and prote
Emotional Attachment
Children after birth have capabilities for socioemotional engagement if provided responsive attachment (LeVine, 2007).
Low quality institutional child care
A study conducted by Sagi, Koren-Karie, Gini, Ziv, and Joels (2002); Deklayen and Greenberg (2008) demonstarated that children in low quality institutional child care tend to develop insecure
Emotional Attachment
From intimate attachments a person draws strength and enjoyment of life and, through what he contributes, gives strength and enjoyment to others. (Bowlby,J. (1980)
Child development
The key to helping our children grow into confident and motivated adults is our focus on building meaningful connections. (Kelin, a psychologist and author of the book "How Toddlers Thrive).
“Infants can feel loss, grief as well as love…, and those raised in an abandoned homes without positive handling and loving attention may wither away or die”. ~ Rene Spitz (1945)
Children's brain development
Research shows that over 90 per cent of a child’s brain develops by the time they reach age five. In Sub Saharan Africa, 66 per cent of children under the age of 5 risk failing to reach their
African children
By 2050, more than 40 per cent of the children in the world will live in Africa. This population growth offers an economic opportunity for Africa but reaping the benefits of this demographic
Good mental health during early years
Good mental health during the early years is critical to assuring to a person’s lifelong healthy development. Consistent, responsive and sensitive care from the adults in young children’s liv
Insights on child development
ECE had the opportunity to share its best practices, expertise, and insights on child development with special gathering organized by the embassy of Israel in Ethiopia.
Good nutrition
Good nutrition is a cornerstone of a child's survival, growth and healthy development, empowering them to learn, to engage and to contribute positively to society (UNICER, 2023).
Malnutrition and hinders progress and curtail futures. An estimated 148 million children under fine (22 per cent) had stunted in 2022 (UNICEF, 2023).
Insights on child development
Lack of access to resources in early childhood result in opportunity gaps, which lead long term effects on outcomes in education, physical health, and social-emotional development that are ha
Infant Mental Health
Natural disasters, war, internal conflict, colonialisation and displacement are some of the phenomena which have disrupted early development of children and their
families. ~ Campbell Paul
Infant Mental Health
Young children and families increasingly suffer most in the face of war and forced displacement." ~ Campbell Paul, President WAIMH
Infant Mental Health
ከቅድመ ወሊድ እስከ ድህረ ወሊድ 3ኛው ወር ያለው የእድገት ምዕራፍ ወይም
ከልደት እስከ 3ኛው ዓመት ድረስ ያለው ጊዜ ከቀሪው አጠቃላይ የእድገት ምዕራፍ ጋር ሲነፃፀር በጣም አጭር ቢሆንም ተከታታይ የሕይወት ለውጦች የሚከናወኑበት ጊዜ ነው።
Infant Mental Health
Although prenatal period and the first 3 months of life make up a short phase compared with the life span, there is evidence that this period involves a series of lifechanging transitions.
Infant Mental Health
የኦቲዝም ተጠቂ ልጆች በሚያጋጥሟቸው የተግባቦትና የማህበራዊ ግንኙነት ተግዳሮቶች ምክንያት ምልክቶቻቸውን ማንበብ አስቸጋሪ ሊሆን ቢችልም የወላጅ አስተውሎት ለኦቲዝም ስፔክትረም ዲስኦርደር ተጠቂ ልጆችም ይሠራል።
Infant Mental Health
Parental insightfulness, that is, seeing and feeling things from the child's point of view, has been shown to underlie parental sensitive behavior and to be associated with secure attachment
Infant Mental Health
Although it may be harder to read their signals due to communication and social behavior challenges, parental insightfulness also works for children with ASD.
Infant Mental Health
The nature of emotional brain development maximizes its chances of being influenced by early social environments.
Infant Mental Health
Variations in species-typical experiences, such as parental caregiving, reveal the profound effects on the development of the neurobiology involved in emotional learning and regulation.
VIP Vist
Professor Avi Sagi-Shewartz from the University of Haifa visits Enrichment Center Ethiopia (ECE).
Family strengthening program
Promoting the well-being of infants and young children by strengthening families and child caregivers living in difficult situations.