A few years ago, during a short mission in Addis Ababa, at that time as Director of the Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Centre (MCTC) in Haifa, Israel, I had the privilege of visiting The Enrichment Center for the Disadvantaged which had been founded by Mr. Sahilu Baye, whom I have had the pleasure and honor of knowing for more than 20 years. This visit to a place which gives so much hope to the needed community is still very vivid in my memory.
I must point out that during my long career as a practitioner in the field of socio-economic development; I have rarely seen such a devoted professional as Sahilu Baye, a person who totally dedicates his life to the cause of orphaned and vulnerable children as well as to the well-being of young disadvantaged women in Ethiopia.
Despite obvious difficulties, Sahilu Baye never gives up. He continues to manage the ECD with devotion, love and empathy, providing support to the people in need, with all his heart and spirit, being a model for his staff and colleagues, and a "father" for all the orphans.
His efficiency and passion impressed me deeply and the programs and projects he has developed, such as psycho-social care training of child givers, capacity-building for the poorest elementary schools in his area, vocational training to disadvantaged women, preventive training related to the dangers of illegal trafficking of children and young women, can be cited truly as models of social entrepreneurship.
It is indeed hard to imagine the life of the children outside the shelter he provides, which is a real home for them, where they can have a decent life as human beings.
With my appreciation and admiration for the work undertaken by Sahilu Baye and his team, I wish them long life and success in all their ongoing endeavors for the benefit of the needy people in Ethiopia, whom they continue to serve and care for, with much dignity and devotion.
Mrs. Mazal Renford
Former Director, MCTC Haifa, Israel
My name is Fletcher Aabram. I came to Ethiopia as a volunteer just before Epiphany and have stayed for 2 months helping primary 8th grade students develop their English skills. I have for many years been obsessed with Ethiopian culture and history and when my plane landed in Addis Ababa that obsession was instantly transformed into love. I have learned and grown so much as a person through the students, frineds and family I have made who have taught me a great deal about life, culture, religion, history and (my favorite) food. It has been an amazing adventure from playing football with teachers and students, eating endless amounts of shiro and doro, getting baptized as an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, and building a lifelong family in Addis Ababa. A special thank you to my Ethiopian father and mother Sahilu and Sekina who have made me their son and sheltered me and fed me to the greatest fulfillment; and a special Thank you to Enrichment Center Ethiopia (ECE) and its founder Sahilu Baye who welcomed me as an Ethiopian and connected me to the local Primary School in Shegole where I helped tutored and taught all kinds of beatiful students who I will, think about and pray for forever. Ethiopia I love you and thank you for making me your own, sincerely AmhaSalassie.